Lorin Maazel을 시노비나가라(偲びながら : 추모하면서)
Lorin Maazel -- Arirang
New York Philharmonic Orchestra
performs Korean traditional folk song "Arirang" in Pyong Yang, North Korea, in Feb. 25, 2008, conducted by Lorin Maazel. @ Maestro Maazel (Lorin Maazel) works as Music
Director of the New York Philharmonic, which is
not only the oldest symphony orchestra in the
United States but also the world's most productive,
having given over 14,000 concerts since its founding.
@ 2011/08/30 Youtubeにアップロード(유튜브에 업로드)
■ 페이스북 → https://www.facebook.com/buck4514/videos/1058222804256557/
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